Sunday, February 26, 2012

tee-of the-week

In a previous post I had mentioned my desire to start a new project this year, one where I refurbish a new tee/sweatshirt each week. Being the 9th week of the year I have not completed 9 projects in a "one each week" time frame but I still have been keeping in step with the heart of my goal by refurbishing the old t-shirts I have had lying around! Here are a few favorite ones that I have completed so far: This top was just a run of the mill item from Charlotte Russe that I got at FreeStyle. The problem was there was a little hole on the top which for being so small was still pretty noticeable. So I covered that side with rick-rack and voila! It reminds me of something from Anthro now. (Just because of the big detail, not to toot my horn or anything ;) ) I also swapped out the buttons for some colorful ones to make it more fun.
This has been one of my favorite tee shirts for a few years. The problem is though with favorite tee shirts is they can really get worn out! This one had those annoying holes that thin tees get right where it hits the belt area of your jeans (do you know what I am talking about??) and also a couple smudges and stains from I don't even know what. Anyhoo I had this cool table runner that I thrifted and was waiting for a proper purpose to use it for. This was an easy fix - I just sewed a section of the runner right down the front and covered all the boo-boos! Haha now I can wear this tee again and not feel grungy. :)

This V-neck was already pretty worn out when I bought it from FreeStyle's half off rack. But I figured for $4 I could bring some new life back into it! To distract from the "balling" fabric (another annoyance of cute but cheap/thin clothing) I added some feminine details - the flower applique, ribbon around the waist to tie it and therefore giving it a different shape and then some lace on the sleeves. It's a nice updated basic that I have worn a few times already!

This project I was especially excited about. I saw a similar sweater at FreeStyle a few months back and thought to myself "Eh why buy that when I could make it myself?" But how many times do we crafty ladies say that and never actually complete the project? I found this grey sweater on sale at Target for $6 and thought it would be perfect for the job! It's nothing TOO fancy but still I am pretty pleased with it. I can stay cozy with it's soft material and oversize fit but still have some femininity happening. Here is a close up of the detail I did:
Here I am wearing the sweater, pardon the facial expression- I think the sun was in my eyes ;)

I have been wearing alot of this fuchsia color lately! It just keeps grabbing my eye ;)

I re purposed this discarded bulletin board from the girl's home that I work at. The fabric was in a batch of free materials I got from Sierra College's fashion closet a couple years back. I am glad to see it being used and am excited to hang this piece up at work! I attached the x's of ribbon so that pictures or whatever can be displayed on the board, this project was fun and easy :)

Photo collage I made with the Valentine Laurin gave me. It was a reminder of what I felt God was saying to me last month about this time in my life: Enjoy the season! And so I am :)

In closing me and my friend Margarita have opened up an Etsy shop! Nothing has been posted just yet but I will be promoting soon once we get things rolling. That is all for now :)


  1. Love this!! Thanks for the inspiration, now I really want to dig through my drawers and revamp some of my well loved items!! XOXO

    1. Thanks Kayla, glad I could inspire you! Woo hoo you go girl! ;*
