Saturday, March 31, 2012

marching along

Wow what a busy month March has been! The times flies. I haven't blogged for a whole month! I am not sure if this will become the new norm but if so I am happy to still update "Tulle and Felt" on a month to month basis ;)

It is now my most favorite season- SPRING- YAY! And it has actually been feeling like it with the sporadic rain and moderate sunshine. I am happy :) And so blessed by what God has been doing in my life:

I am moving! Tomorrow actually! It came up quick and was pretty unexpected. I love when the Lord leads you in a direction that is totally awesome and out of the blue. After 2 1/2 years the dear Dandelion Home will be no more. All of us ladies felt like we were ready to move on and at the same time a couple (who are a precious couple) of my dear friends needed a roommate! So with that me and the Kulagas (Dave & Rita and their childrens Isaiah & Laila!) are renting a lovely and peaceful haven in Citrus Heights. It is perfect for us! And one thing I am very excited about? This will be the first time I have my own room in FOUR YEARS!! Haha, 4 1/2 to be really exact ;) Living in close quarters community has been such the blessing and I certainly don't regret any of it, however I am really looking forward to having a little more quiet space. But not too much quiet space because I will be living with friends and their precious kids which I know will be way fun!

bedroom inspirtation from Anthro

I am going to paint my room something like this shade of coral, wee!

One of my long time and super sweet heart friends Vanessa got married on the 10th! It was such a beautiful wedding and if we are Facebook friends I am sure you saw lots of pictures. However here are a few of my favs:

Us ladies out in front of the church :)

The Ceremony!

Beautiful bride!

Kiersten and Laurin were such fun dates, we had a blast and my favorite part was bursting into tears when I caught my first peek of Vanessa and her Dad waiting to proceed down the isle. Oh and when her Dad cried giving his speech, and well actually I had a lot of favorite moments ;) I am most happy to see their love and happiness together! Ok and another favorite moment- EK, the Mother of the Bride and also my dear friend, out on the dance floor! Haha, I love that lady :)

I spent time with my brothers this month which seriously is one of my all time favorite things in life! And not only did I get to see them and spend time with them (and my nephews!) individually but I got to see the 3 of them all at once! It may seem like no big deal to some but for me since we 4 are very rarely in the same geographical location I was blessed! James, Ryan and Jack are their names and I love them so! Here we are all together:

And my nephews are SO precious! This auntie does wish she wasn't a 3 hour drive away. However whenever we do get to spend time it's the best. This visit Rain was such a cuddle bug! We had some good bonding time :)

Here is a dress I made at me and Rita's weekly "Craft Nite"

I need to take in the back a bit but overall I was pleased with the outcome :)

Lastly it's not earth shaking news or anything but I am officially a blonde again, haha ;) I really enjoyed my red hair but I couldn't keep away for long :) Laurin bleached the top of my hair and it's quite bright- I really like it!

I took this picure after work one day, I was diggin my do ;)

I am really enjoying this time in my life. I am so excited about this next season with the move and starting up school again soon. Also I really am loving my job, I feel so blessed getting to work with the girls and everything else it entails! Wow Papa does know how to bring it ;)

Anywho that is all for now...Happy almost Easter!