Thursday, November 3, 2011

Yesterday was a great day..

..I awoke later than usual and although I typically don't care for sleeping in it did feel nice to wake up when my body decided to come to and not when my alarm (which is usually my roommate haha) was telling me to. I was rested and ready to see whatever the Lord had in mind for the day. I am in a unique season of life right now. I have never been more at rest (physically and also internally) and it's not that I have ceased all activity but I feel I have become more directed in what I do or don't do and now actually have days off, which I never really allowed for before. I feel like a real person haha :D So about yesterday, yesterday felt a little like Heaven on Earth. Between the time I spent in prayer, with some friends and time doing some of the things I enjoy, I was overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude and blessing. That's all I wanted to share really.

Also a longtime dream has come true... After months of wait a drum set is now assembled in my bedroom, haha! I first desired to play the drums all the way back in the 6th grade, it was a short lived phase and at some point the desire faded away. (I took up the Clarinet instead, way less cool!) ;) Anyhow over this last summer out of nowhere the desire returned! I found myself listening intently to drumming in music that I would hear, trying to imitate the sounds with my imagination. It's really random but I am certainly excited to learn how to play! And I have not given up on my Ukulele playing either for those of you that may be wondering. I am continuing to practice that on the side as well :) (and actually have been improving some!)

some crafty items I doodled yesterday and today.

There is so much freedom in living simply.

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