Wednesday, September 14, 2011

a passion that the Lord has given me...

is to create! Anything that I can make/do with my hands is oh so enjoyable to me. I feel like that is innate in all of us, as we are made in the image and likeness of God, the Ultimate Creator :)I think this is why I feel such a strong sense of His presence when I am being creative. Painting, sewing, crafting anything (even cupcakes!) you name it, I am a happy camper. So that is what I would like to share with you readers today, specifically my love to sew. The sensation of pushing fabric over the feed dogs underneath my needle, watching the stitches bring everything together as I push on my foot peddle like a hot rod racer revving up his roadster is exhilarating. Keeping the fabric moving along smoothly is always the key for me, if I try to go too fast things can get a little crazy! (I use my seam ripper a lot haha)Even if it's a more of a mundane task such as hemming a blouse or sewing on a button, the enjoyable sensation is just the same. But of course with any crafting/sewing project the more creative ones are my most favorite. Here are some pictures to enjoy:

this top actually was a dress of mine when I was a small child, haha! My premier philosophy when it comes to making clothing/anything is to recycle any old garments/materials that I can! My line at the time was called "Resurrected Clothing" for that reason :)
Another baby doll top this one I constructed with a section of an old bed sheet and the top remains of a tee-shirt.
One of my favorite men's items to make is a front pocket tee shirt! This one I didn't sew from scratch but just dyed and then attached a pocket to the front. I thought it a cute style :)
Same idea here as well. This is one of several vintage dresses that I have reconstructed over the years to make a little more modern and flattering. Of course Greta wears it so well!
And lastly here is a picture with my beauty queen, prized possession, old faithful (well she actually isn't that old..), my machine :) Most of these photos (sans the last one) are a couple years old so I will be doing my best to document some of my more recent projects soon! Until then, God bless you :)

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