Thursday, September 22, 2011

"my ukes in tune"

That is the diddy my grandpa taught me to sing while I strum GCEA (Giant Cats Eat Apples according to Brion Burkett) when I tune my ukulele. That's right, my ukulele! I am learning how to play again after a 6 year hiatus. I can't play much yet, only a few chords, but it is a start. I've been trying to get my 15 minutes a day of practice in, even if it means strumming in the FreeStyle break room (which has given some of my co-workers a laugh, haha). Here is a picture of my instrument, I think I might name him "little beauty"? The decision isn't made on that just yet. :)

What else have I been up to?

Also after a long while's absence I randomly came across this half finished bible study I started just out of high school. Why I didn't finish it I don't know but I can say that I am so grateful to have picked it up again! And what seemed lackadaisical in happening to find it I am believing it was the Lord that I am reading it in this time in my life! Now I know what you might be thinking, the cover is super old school and it could be extremely cheesy right? The artwork and format is a little outdated but that's only because the study was published in the 80's! But the content itself, like the Word of God, is timeless. "Experiencing God" is so simple, straightforward in it's approach and is completely biblical. I love it! Here are some excerpts that have been meaningful to me:
"As you follow Jesus one day at a time, He will keep you right in the center of God's will"
"Jesus is my way. I don't need any other road map"
"The right question is: What is God's will? (not what is God's will for my life?) The focus needs to be on God, not my life!"
"Don't measure your life by the world's standards"
"The world has yet to see what God can do with and for and through a man who is fully consecrated to Him."
"The focus of the Bible is God. The essence of sin is a shift from a God-centerdness to a self-centeredness."
"To live a God-centered life you must focus your life on God's purposes not your own plans."
"You never find God asking persons to dream up what they want to do for Him."
"Understanding what God is about to do where I am is more important than telling God what I want to do for Him."

They do a lot of character studies, namely Moses and Abraham- looking at their lives as examples as well as going through scripture illustrating that indeed this is what we are called to believe and live. I could go on but I will leave it at that- that this study is amazing!

Other recent efforts include: spending precious time with family and friends. In the last 2 weeks I've gotten to spend quality time with a couple little ladies I won't be seeing for a while, and have been visiting lots with roommates and neighbors and even got to do some dancing the other night! Here is some daily life documentation to enjoy:

Something else I would like to add is my gratefulness to the Lord for blessing me like He has. I think about it constantly throughout my days, how extremely grateful I am for my life! For the people I share it with and the place that I am in. God has done so much in my heart! It's a lot to describe, all that He has been showing me lately, but in parting I will say: that Love has made me a new creation, changing and reforming me from my inside out. I am made free, new and whole. Like a child again in my Father's embrace, I am not afraid.

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